Learning a Language

I think me and HZA unintentionally took it in turns to post our weekly assignments. He posted his Sleep assignment one week and then I posted the fake charity article the week after. Just to clarify that was completely coincidental! It was not planned at all.

This week the assignment was about writing an article about learning language in school.

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Six Humpback Whale Facts

  1. Humpbacks do not eat during their entire migration. They live off their body fat instead
  2. These guys can take a seriously deep breath. With lungs the size of a small car, they can remain underwater for up to 40 minutes before coming up for air.
  3. These mighty beast are the fifth largest of all the whale species. They can grow as long as a bus and weigh up to 40 tonnes.
  4. They may be big, but humpbacks still have predators. Killer whales are their main threat, while sharks will attack humpback calves.
  5. Male humpbacks sing ‘songs’ during their migration, with high-pitched squeals, clicks and rumbling gurgles. Experts think this attracts females or lets other males know they’re in the area.
  6. In the Antarctic, humpbacks can eat up to 2000kg of krill a day.

I got this from a National Geographic Kids magazine issued in 2014!

Reviewing Memes ft Marryam

Hey guys and this is Marryam from MVRRXO. today I’m doing a collab post with Shadowstrike where we review each others memes! 

This be Shadowstrike, my comments be in normal font.

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