Language Similarities

So there I am studying Japanese and I find out about these small kana (Japanese letters) that change the sound of other letters. So I’m starting to write them down and then my brain makes a connection, these are similar to the harakaat in Arabic

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Japan Facts 3

Did you know Asiatic black bears are sometimes spotted along the borders of Japan’s capital city?

Bonus Fact: Bear in Japanese is “kuma”.

If you didn’t either know these fun facts please like this update, follow us and I hope you Enjoy Our Journey.

Japan Facts 1

My NGK magazine came with a 30 facts on Japan section and I’m like I can blog about Japan without talking about anime! Yay!

Did you know The official mascot of this year’s Summer Olympics is a character named Miraitowa, a combination of the Japanese words for “future” (mirai) and “enternity” (towa)?

Bonus Fact I learned from Joey the Anime Man: in Japan they have mascots for everything and in Japanese they are called Yuru-chara.

If you didn’t know either of these fun facts please like this update, follow and us and I hope you Enjoy Our Journey.

P.S. If I have related information, I’ll have bonus facts added to the post.

P.P.S. Please read and share this article because the family in it really need to have their story known:

Learning a Language

I think me and HZA unintentionally took it in turns to post our weekly assignments. He posted his Sleep assignment one week and then I posted the fake charity article the week after. Just to clarify that was completely coincidental! It was not planned at all.

This week the assignment was about writing an article about learning language in school.

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