Reviewing Memes ft Marryam

Hey guys and this is Marryam from MVRRXO. today I’m doing a collab post with Shadowstrike where we review each others memes! 

This be Shadowstrike, my comments be in normal font.

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Unpopular Opinion

This opinion is so unpopular I got triggered the minute I saw it.

This is the biggest lie I’ve ever heard in my entire life.

I’m lost for words

Who could think this?

White haired anime boys are the worst?

Killua, Kaneki, Jiraiya, Kakashi (though his is more grey), Juuzo, Hitsugaya and Ichimaru Gin.

How are they the worst!

You can’t even say that. These guys are from the mainstream anime and they amazing. Whoever this opinion originated from has clearly seen one bad white haired anime character and decided they’re all bad.

Oh my god. I am so triggered.

I can’t even comprehend this.

I can’t even believe how I reacted to this.

I’m sorry y’all, I’m seriously just lost for words I had to rant.

Sohma Akito DAIKIRAI!!!

I hate everything thing about Sohma Akito from Fruits Basket. I’ve recently been watching the 2019 remake and I absolutely despise her.


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Anime Hogwarts Houses

So, I was reading Slytherin memes, just because, don’t judge me, y’all are here to read what a random girl obsessed with random things thinks about for absolutely no reason other than your own entertainment.

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