Learning a Language

I think me and HZA unintentionally took it in turns to post our weekly assignments. He posted his Sleep assignment one week and then I posted the fake charity article the week after. Just to clarify that was completely coincidental! It was not planned at all.

This week the assignment was about writing an article about learning language in school.

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I’m so behind

I’ve been reading this book series called Cape High by R.J. Ross and it is totally awesome. I’ve been reading it since about 2016 or early 2017, anyway in the last year, I haven’t been on kindle much so I haven’t been reading the books as they come out and I am so behind! I’m on Steel Life which is book 25 and the latest book is book Deadly Road Trip which is book 28! I’m three books behind!!! I’m half way through Steel Life but I really need to get back into reading them! I was also reading this other series called Harley Merlin by Bella Forrest where the books came out monthly so that set me behind a bit as well, but her latest books have been delayed because of some technical issues so I’ve got the time. But seriously 3 books behind?!

The Distort Arc is out!

Cape High was on the list of books I recommend but I would rate it 13 plus. It’s really good and interesting and I hope to catch up with the books soon Inshallah.

Persuasive Argument

You may have noticed I reference HZA and KD a lot. The reason for this, is that they are both in my English and Maths classes and KD has my contact info so (shrugs). A few days ago, HZA posted this:

Sleeping Early

This was an assignment all three of us had to do. I didn’t share this article because mine was utter rubbish because I had no idea what I was talking about. Sure I get sleep factored into my day/night. Even last Thursday and last Saturday I had naps during the day but for me it’s the most disorientating thing on the planet, I felt no better than I did before my nap. Anyway, I got a 4 for my assignment which is like a C.

Last week Thursday, (before my disorientating nap that lasted almost 2 hours), I had an English lesson with HZA and KD and our assignment was to write a persuasive argument for a school magazine to encourage students to donate to a charity. I made up a charity about caring for Big cats and then got a 6 which is like a B plus because I’m a B average student. Now I’m sharing the article I wrote to see what you think.

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A-Z foods challenge

JustSomeThoughts did this post then challenged me to do it as well. Why? I have no idea

A-Z of Food Challenge




Daal (lentils in Urdu) totally counts


French fries



Ice cream















Xavier Steak



S and Mum helped out and ended up playing the game themselves!