Sohma Akito DAIKIRAI!!!

I hate everything thing about Sohma Akito from Fruits Basket. I’ve recently been watching the 2019 remake and I absolutely despise her.


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I noticed something

I’ve mentioned before that I watch Subtitled Anime not dub. I’ve also mentioned that I read manga. Earlier this year I watched this really old shoujo anime called Kodocha. I really enjoyed it but it ended on episode 102 leaving me wanting more so I’m reading the manga (from the beginning because I don’t want to miss details that may have been left out from the anime), the version of the manga I’m reading is not great because it’s not fully translated into English but I’m surviving.

Anyway I’ve realised that even though I watched the anime in Japanese I’m remembering the characters voice in English. I don’t know how to explain it but as the character Hayama Akito talks between the panels I’m hearing his voices in English but I’ve never seen a dubbed version of the anime.

Does that make sense? Anyone got an explanation? Is my inability to watch dubbed anime because they don’t fit the imaginary English voices in my head?

Tell me your thoughts in the comments and if you think I’m crazy keep it to yourself.

Anime Hogwarts Houses

So, I was reading Slytherin memes, just because, don’t judge me, y’all are here to read what a random girl obsessed with random things thinks about for absolutely no reason other than your own entertainment.

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