Japan Facts 27

Did you know Vending machines around Tokyo sell shoes, umbrellas, bananas and more?

Bonus: In Japan there is one vending machine for every 22 people, (ugh ratios) 1:22.

If you didn’t know either of these fun facts please like this update, follow us if you have a WordPress account and I hope you Enjoy Our Journey.

Results Day

Results Day Celebration Bubble Waffle

I got an 8 in IGCSE maths?! An 8 in English Language, a 6 in English Literature, plus a 5 in sociology from a past exam and 3 (one mark from a 4 in the biology exam I took before my Dyslexia test).

Jazakallahu khairun to my teachers who helped me get this far in my homeschool journey (name dropping the blog) and Jazakallahu khairun to my mum, my sister and my aunts who helped me study and revise.

Despite my good grade in maths I still don’t like the subject ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚, Sorry Uncle Laith.


So in maths class we have this moderate thing so only the maths teacher can see our comments so I sent this when we were talking about circle theorem and the teacher said that examiners like using it a lot in exams and I said:

dat because the people who write exam papers are evil scientists who melt teens brains for fun and get paid for it

And my maths teacher read it outloud and two of my classmates who read my blog often aka HZA and KD asked who said it. My maths teachers told them to guess.

Guess who they guessed.

ME! duh!

Lol, anyway I found it funny and I thought I’d share it.

So go and follow HZA and give me a like.

Planets Fact 6

@HZA if u were wondering, yes this is the fact I sent the maths teacher during the lesson.

Did you know Jupiter is our solar system’s biggest planet- all seven of the other planets could fit inside it?

If you didn’t know this fun fact please like this update and follow us if you have a WordPress account and I hope you Enjoy Our Journey.

Why Blog?

Last Wednesday was the last day of my online maths class for this term. And my maths teacher generously turned off moderate for the us students, so we could briefly chat.

Me being me, took this as a chance to share the link to the blog.

One of the students said that I should go to Youtube. Translation, I should try vlogging.

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1000th Post Q&A

Salaam Y’all, here’s a great way to start the week, (I know some of you started the week yesterday, but the week is starting the today, so imma go by that lol) my 1000th post.

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A Longish Day

Heh, I went to the market again today.

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Poem Competition

H won 3rd place in the Hhugs charity Caged Bird poetry competition!

She’s really happy, so please say mashallah y’all.

We both entered. When I was doing so I was going to post the collab poem I did a while back however one of the conditions was to not use a poem that has already been published and since I published it along with many of my other poems I couldn’t.

So on the 24th of June when I received the message about the competition. I sat in front of my laptop, clicked my fingers rhythmically to create a beat and came up with a new poem the spot just before a maths lesson.

So I uploaded it and in my haste, I failed to check over it and realised over it saw mistakes. So annoying.

H, on the other hand, uploaded her poem the other day. Her poem was actually prewritten and was edited to suit the theme of the competition.

Inshallah, I’ll upload both poems on Monday and Tuesday.

Talk About a Long Day!

Today I shall talk about a long day.

Lol sorry for the lame joke, we were discussing Dad Jokes in maths yesterday, it must have been imprinted in my head. (At least something did).

Anywho, let’s see how did my day start? Oh yeah, I woke up at around 12:30 am and suddenly became an insomniac, it happens every so often so its nothing new.

I did manage to get so sleep in the end, Alhamdulilah.

Woke up at 9 did my normal morning routine with a bit extra here and there. Then I had a 45-minute long Graphic Design Lesson.

After that I had some Orange Juice then I put the dishes away. Then I got R ready for the day whilst R.H. tried to grab my phone. (OMA, he’s gonna be 1 next month).

Then I got myself ready and went to the market.

As per usual, I bought a drink from the corner shop then went to the market part of the market. Then I rang my aunt and together with my cousin we bought said cousin a new t-shirt. It’s quite nice if I don’t say so myself.

Then I went to Iceland and did a medium-sized shop and the till I stuffed the food into my backpack and two bags, (one plastic, one made out of an old t-shirt).

Then I queued up in front of Boots and there was some guy yelling at some other guy whilst I was ringing Mum to see if she wanted doughnuts from Percy Ingles. She said no, sadly. So I went to Boots and bought some medicine.

Then I went to a cash point. Then I went to the market again and bought some fruits and veg.

Then I went to the local Islamic shop and bought some Halal sweets, a black seed soap bar and a shiny gift for Mum.

As I was walking back, I put my backpack on the ground so I could tie one of the bags to it so I had less to carry. But I struggled to pick the backpack back up again. I almost managed but then the strap freaking broke!

So I had five bags and a backpack that I had to carry back home and only two arms.

Some teens walked passed me and laughed at the shopping on the ground. Mean right?

So I had to ring H. She complained because this was the second time I’ve called her to help me carry shopping from the market. But she came anyway. But she said to go as far as I could with the bags.

I managed to get to the end of the very long street by taking trips back and forth for the bags, a couple of people asked if I needed help but I didn’t want to trouble them since they were all going in the opposite direction and were all like above 50.

I met up with H and we took everything back home.

As we walking, we saw our balcony so H began calling to S, we’ve adapted to calling him Baiyah which means brother in Bengali and I told her don’t yell that in the middle of Bangla town because every single male Bengali would turn around see who’s calling him.

Anyway we got home sorted out the shopping, Mum sewed up my backpack.

Also Mum asked me how much the present was and I said “none of your buisness” and then she was like it is my business ’cause you used my money and I was like nope I used mine. ๐Ÿ˜

Then I sat down, had more orange juice then did some quizzes on Pinterest.

After a few other things, I did this post. (In between doing the post I gave R.H. a yoghurt since Mum’s making dinner).

Now, I’m watching the first episode of Season 2 of Future Avengers. I’m watching this series awfully slowly ’cause I only get to watch about one episode a day. Correction I’m skipping through it ’cause it’s a major filler episode.

See y’all tomorrow inshallah.