Mixed Race Siblings

Yesterday H was watching a video Mum sent of S riding his new bike, her voice was in the background and then she said to me “I sound like you”, I also heard it and I could tell it wasn’t me so she replayed it for me to hear again and it still didn’t sound like me though admittedly our voices are slightly similar and H suddenly exclaimed “Ew I we sound the same!”

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Mum is always telling me that S picks up bad habits from me and I admit I’ve taught him some crazy things that entertain me but today I noticed S doing something I do but didn’t teach him.

Both me and S enjoy having our headphones and listening to Youtube. For me, it’s relaxing and for him, it’s also relaxing but related to his autism, I’ve often used his or my headphones to calm him down and he copies my actions whilst I enjoy whatever is playing on Youtube.

Often when I’m using my headphones and standing up I start picking things up off the floor and tidying them away, I’ve used this habit to speed myself up as I tidy and also enjoy myself since I do the chore often.

So today when S decided it was time for his headphones, along with mouthing the words of the song he started tidying up without anyone telling him to. At first, I just assumed it was because the toy dinosaurs at were on the floor were in the way of him dancing but then he continued tidying up and I thought wow! He picked that up unconsciously!

What do you think? Is it a good habit or not? Tell me in the comments.