Another Wednesday

The plan was to read book then make a new video.

Its past 3 in the afternoon and I’m not even 100 pages in!!!!

I ended up falling asleep when I first started reading, then mum had me take R to her friends house, then mum was having trouble with designing a poster on Canva (because I guess she couldn’t wait for me to finish reading my book) for an event she is organising. So after desigining one (two actually), I needed to add in the logo for the M.A.E.A. (Muslim Alternative Education Advocacy (Mum’s side hustle)) only to find that the image was horrifically pixelated.

After spending an hour fixing it, we decided the M.A.E.A. needed a new logo so then I spent another hour designing another one. It’s pretty much the same but with a better colour scheme and a little bit extra design to the design.

After doing all that it’s three o clock and I start on this post.

Now I’ve got to make another replica logo for another business MS Design. So imma head off and do that.

Just another chaotic Wednesday story for y’all.

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