Not Suitable For Autism

In the last four days I’ve gone from no official work experience to a paid site and social media manager.

I’ve been going to work since Tuesday and I was sat in front of a laptop and told to fix the website and then I was also in charge of updating the Instagram as well. This is who I am working for:

Alright, back to business. Another post about autism, why? Because yesterday (before I went to work) we went on a trip to Lakeside and visited the Upside Down House:

Everyone was fascinated by it, except me and S. I wasn’t because I grew up watching Tricky TV so I knew how these things worked, S wasn’t because he was too busy being scared out of his mind.

He got scared that he was crying and panicking. He held onto me and demanded that I put a stop to it. I asked if we should go outside and he said it was too cold. Eventually we left together and went into the Lakeside mall as the rest of our family stayed in the house. He took me to McDonalds and I was going to buy him a milkshake with the money I got the day before for my work but then I rang Mum and asked if I should by it or not and she said no. So instead I took him to the softplay next door which we also had plans to visit.

He was happy after that.

In summation an upside down house is not suitable for children with ASD at all and I would not recommend you take anyone with ASD to one.

One thought on “Not Suitable For Autism

  1. abdussalamk says:

    Oo Mashaโ€™Allah, congratulations on your new job ๐Ÿ™‚
    Oh interesting, Iโ€™ve never even heard of an upsidedown house before.

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