An Nasr

An Nasr= Assistance

When the help of Allah arrives and with (with it) victory, and see people entering the lifestyle of Allah in crowds, glorify your Lord and seek His forgiveness. Indeed, he us the One Who Accepts Repentance.

Al Masad

Masad= Father of the Flame

Whatever Abu Lahab’s hands have established is destroyed! Neither his wealth nor his possessions will save him! He will be surrounded by a fierce blaze!

And his wife, who will feed the flame, will have strung around her neck a twisted fiber chain.


The story behind this Surah is that Abu Lahab – The uncle of the prophet Muhammad sallahu alayhi was sallam – made his nephew his enemy when the revelation was made public. He had his sons (who were married to Muhammad’s (saw) daughters) divorce their wives and drag them out of their houses by their hair! He also cursed the Prophet all the time. His Wife used to lay thorns outside then Prophets house so he would step on them when he left.

Nas and Falaq

Plan for this Ramadan, meanings of Surahs! Yay!

I was supposed to start yesterday but didn’t get round to it, sorry!

Well it works out for me anyway cause Surah Falaq and Nas are related.

Falaq- The Dawn

Say: “I seek safety with the Lord of the Dawn from (any) danger in His creations, from the danger of approaching darkness, from the danger of superstition (evil magic) and from the danger of the envious when he resents.”

Nas -Humanity

Say: “I seek safety with the Lord of Humanity, the Ruler of Humanity, the God of Humanity, from the subtle effects of evil whispers, that are whispered into the hearts of people from unseen John or by other people.”

These two Surahs are called Surahs of Protection.


Stories on my Wattpad

In the last week I’ve been really busy with the stories I’ve been putting on Wattpad even though one is just for storage space.

Anyway I decided to share the individual links here:

This one is for the story I’m still working on, The Boy Who Couldn’t Kill.

It’s about an orphan named Damian who was brought up to be a Werewolf Hunter, however after his parents died and moving to a street home to a werewolf pack his whole world is turned upside down.

This story is Also a work in progress, Yoru No Hikari

It’s about a girl named Hikari who’s been locked away in her father’s palace for her whole life.

Not saying anymore cause even I don’t know how the story ends.

This link is for the various Anime pictures that I screenshot:

This link is for a short story I wrote called The True Me:

It’s about an assassin who suffers from Jekyll and Hyde disorder that revolves around the colour if her clothes.

Finally, Gangster Daddy,

another short story about a man who has to live as a pickpocket to feed his children.

Even though my tag name is MuslimOtaku none of these stories sound remotely Islamic! Well that’s because the story I’m writing with a Muslim main character is being edited.

It’s a slice of life called The Chaotic life of Qadr ul Islam on the Sora 5!

It’s about a telepathic Pakistani Werewolf named Qadr who lives on a space ship with his two racist American half sister’s and his friends Captain Laki Lima (half Samoan half African American) and the mechanic Nero Rivers (African American), on a mission to make trading contracts with aliens.

If that doesn’t sound chaotic I don’t know what will.

I hope you Enjoy my stories ๐Ÿ˜Š
