Top Three Educational Kids Shows That S Watches.

This is the Top Three Educational Kids Shows That S Watches.

At Number 3 we have:

Andy’s Safari Adventures.

Here we follow the adventures of Andy Day’s life at Safari world and any time he makes a mistake he makes the irrational decision of flying across the world in a flying car to correct it.

Number 2 is:

Go Diego Go!

Go Diego Go is personally my favourite show as a kid so it was impossible to not get S into it, anyway, it is an interactive tv show based on Dora the Explorer’s older cousin Diego an animal rescuer/scientist.

And Finally at the top of the list (technically bottom).

Wild Kratts

Wild Kratts is made by two brothers Martin and Chris Kratt, Martin is a zoologist and Chris is a biologist, they managed to create a show that states facts but still entertains kids, it is a comedic show but is still eductional and action packed. I too enjoy Wild Kratts since I watched it as a kid as well a long side my relatives when ever they stayed over at my grandma’s house.

If this list helped you in anyway please like this update or follow us if you have a WordPress account And Remember Watch The Shadows.

Hadith 32

The true warrior is he who wages war on his ego in submission to Allah.

Ahmad b, Hanbal, Musnad, 6/21, Haakim, Mustadrak 1/11.

This isn’t a hadith it is a Quote by the people above but I only found out now so please ask your parents if any of my Hadiths sound a bit odd for clarification if is a hadith or quote.