My Dad

We already know my mum since she used to run this blog, but we don’t really talk about my dad much, there is a picture of him but it is only his hands and arms lifting me into the air so I can pick some fruit.

Anyway let me tell you about him, he has dark skin but not really dark, he basically has a Bengali tan since he is Bengali. He has black hair and a big black beard. He is tall, I don’t know exactly how tall he is but his is tall. I inherit most of my looks from him, and my characteristics, and the ability to roll my tongue, (I can’t do it as well as him but I can do it) and me and my dad can take a bit of chilli, but you won’t catch either of us eating scotch bonnets though.

Enough about me, this is an article about my dad. Okay where to begin, umm… he is really funny, but mostly he just find himself funny, just recently he decided to start saying “Oh my Allah” instead of “Oh my god.”

Like most men he will take half an hour to leave a building when his friends are there, (you hear that Zaid Ali, desi women aren’t the only ones who take forever to say goodbye.)

My dad is helper person, so basically if you need help with something he will be the first one to answer the phone (No I will not provide his phone number,)

My dad pretty much spoils me, I can get whatever I want from him, with a little persuasion, I was the youngest child for 8 years so I get I want.

My dad is an easy-going person, but the moment he meets up with his mates he gets serious, until one of them cracks a joke.

All of my cousins enjoy my dads company, in fact all my friends did as well, so embarrassing when he deliberatelyย messes up their names.

My dad is a big fan of the Kung Fu Panda series but he will watch whatever we watch.

My dad also likes to save money and he is also a charity man, he will help out Aid Convoy whenever he can.

Well that pretty sums up my dad.

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