If I Was A….

If I was a lioness I would be useless since I can’t work with others unless I am in the lead then I should be fine, I ain’t bossy but I can totally imagine myself the leading a pride of Lionesses against a buffalo.

If I was a Black Jagaur it would be awesome because I fit most of it’s characteristics.

If I was a Cheetah I would be the best in the Savannah.

If I was a snake I would most probably die because I enjoy the sun too much.

If was a Coywolf I would be very dangerous ๐Ÿ˜ˆ.

If I was a Praying Mantis I would be totally useless since I have no patience.

If I was an Orca Whale I would live on my own because I strayed from my pod.

If I was an Amur Leopard I would die of old age or a hunting injury.

Please remember that only Allah can predict the future (even the possible futures that I make up in my head) and thatย these are just speculations about my personality.

Also if you are wondering what a Coywolf is send in a wolf emoji ๐Ÿบ in the comments.

I would like to know what you think you would be like as these animals so please tell me in the comments below.

This has been Shadowstrike and if you enjoyed this update please like this update or follow us if have a WordPress account And Remember Watch the Shadows.





All of the Moons

Allah is so generous!

The So-Called Students

Toxic-smiles here and today ill be blogging about all the moons. This is a short informative, for a long version you can google them up individually or look it up on wikipedia < 3.

This is not the different kind of moons of earth, its the names of every planetโ€™s moon. First we can go over how many moons each planet has.

Earth- one
Moons not mentioned will be in P2 ia

What they are called:

Earths moon is called moon.
Jupiters moons are called Callisto and Ganymede.
Saturns moons are called Titan, Iapetus, Dione, Rea, Enceladus, Tethys and Mimas.
Neptunes moons are called Triton and proteus.
Uranusโ€™s moons are called Oberon, Titania, Umbriel, Ariel, Miranda.

Thats all for now

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An Icy Disaster

My flat is east facing and has a huge window leading to the balcony. So our house is heated by solar energy which makes our fridge malfunction.

What I mean is because the heat increases around us the fridge automatically dials its temperature down and sometimes it has ice on the wall of the fridge.

But recently it has got so hot that the fridge put ice in my O.J and frozen over my strawberries, grapes and my cucumber.

The cucumber was the worst if you pecked at it with a knife all you got was ice.

And worst if all when the strawberries defrosted the became mushy and S wouldn’t eat it so now Mum is gonna turn it into a smoothie but the grapes and cucumber went to waste.

Wasting food isn’t good but you can’t really do much with cucumber that is frozen on the inside.

I don’t really now what to say to end this article so I am just gonna say “And Remember Watch the Shadows.” Which totally makes no sense in context so forgive me.

Lulu wal Marjaan

Assalaamu Alaikum

We are collecting items for Aid Convoyโ€™s Learning centre.

*Please donate any of the below listed items.*

Remember to label your donation bags & boxes _Lulu wal Marjaan_

*Contact* 07562608409
*Address* Edinburgh Rd, Walthamstow, E17 7QB

*Facebook:* https://www.facebook.com/Lulu-Wal-Marjan-Nursery-144027399562749/

*Donation link:* http://www.educatingsyria.com

๐Ÿ“š *ITEM LIST* ๐Ÿ“š

Correction fluids
Scissors (for kids)
Glitter (all colours)
Felt (all colours)
Sponge noodles (used normally for swimming)
Cream of Tatar for Playdough
Playdough equipment
Slit pins

*References books:*
Farm animals
(Story books ideally in Arabic, will accept English also)

Small plastic insects and animals
Sea creatures
Toys (for all ages – preferably educational toys)

World globe
Water play equipment
Measuring equipment
Maths cubes
*Alka selzer tablets* (A MUST!)

Whiteboard markers black & coloured
Sellotape: Wide and narrow rolls (big rolls)
Cotton wool balls
Red pens
Rubbers/sharpeners (good lasting quality)
Paint: red green blue yellow (etc)
Reward stickers
Printer paper (white)
Card: black and white (multi coloured)
Coloured paper: A4 and bigger
Black & brown paper: A4 and bigger
Display paper (for posters)
White sheets of paper
Pva glue (need loads)
Glue gun
Lolly sticks
Googly eyes
Dressing up outfits



Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (๏ทบ) said, “When a man dies, his deeds come to an end except for three things: *Sadaqah Jaariyah (ceaseless charity)*; a knowledge which is beneficial, or a virtuous descendant who prays for him (for the deceased).”

[Muslim, Book 13, Hadith 8].


FACEBOOK LINK OF NUSERY: https://www.facebook.com/Sistersinsyria/videos/469966946773898/

My Dad

We already know my mum since she used to run this blog, but we don’t really talk about my dad much, there is a picture of him but it is only his hands and arms lifting me into the air so I can pick some fruit.

Anyway let me tell you about him, he has dark skin but not really dark, he basically has a Bengali tan since he is Bengali. He has black hair and a big black beard. He is tall, I don’t know exactly how tall he is but his is tall. I inherit most of my looks from him, and my characteristics, and the ability to roll my tongue, (I can’t do it as well as him but I can do it) and me and my dad can take a bit of chilli, but you won’t catch either of us eating scotch bonnets though.

Enough about me, this is an article about my dad. Okay where to begin, umm… he is really funny, but mostly he just find himself funny, just recently he decided to start saying “Oh my Allah” instead of “Oh my god.”

Like most men he will take half an hour to leave a building when his friends are there, (you hear that Zaid Ali, desi women aren’t the only ones who take forever to say goodbye.)

My dad is helper person, so basically if you need help with something he will be the first one to answer the phone (No I will not provide his phone number,)

My dad pretty much spoils me, I can get whatever I want from him, with a little persuasion, I was the youngest child for 8 years so I get I want.

My dad is an easy-going person, but the moment he meets up with his mates he gets serious, until one of them cracks a joke.

All of my cousins enjoy my dads company, in fact all my friends did as well, so embarrassing when he deliberatelyย messes up their names.

My dad is a big fan of the Kung Fu Panda series but he will watch whatever we watch.

My dad also likes to save money and he is also a charity man, he will help out Aid Convoy whenever he can.

Well that pretty sums up my dad.

If you enjoyed this article please like this update or follow us if you have a WordPress account And Remember Watch The Shadows.



This breed of small cats is able to jump over 9 feet in the air, that is higher then the head of the tallest man in the world. I already mentioned they are small cats but they have big bellies it seems, they eat antelopes, monkeys, (they also eat hares and rodents.)

Like lions they have a distinct pattern where the whiskers attach. Another similar thing about them to lions is the both live in the African Savannah. They nest in old Aardvark or Porcupine burrows.

Persian and Indian royalty used the Caracal’s hunting skills as entertainment.

One new thing about Caracals is that lately many Caracals have been using an area near a power plant where they are the top predators since the bigger cats are blocked off from the area.

If you didn’t know this facts please like this update or follow us if you have a WordPress account And Remember Watch The Shadows.

Facts on Crocogator

Here are a few facts on Crocodiles and Alligators.

Fact 1: Both reptiles are cannibals.

Fact 2: They may be cold blooded reptiles but they aren’t called lizards they are part of the crocodelia family like the marsupials like kangaroos they are mammals with pouches.

Fact 3: The only place where crocs and gators territory overlap is in Florida between the the Cyprus Swamp and the Everglaze

Fact 4: American Aligators are mostly a freshwater species and the American Crocodiles are mostly Saltwater.

Fact 5: There is only 23 species of Crocodelia, 2 for Aligators, 12 for crocs, and a few other cousins like Camins and Gariels.

If you didn’t know this fun fact please like this update or follow us if have a WordPress account And Remember Watch the Shadows.