Bubbling Wizard’s Brew

H’s experiment was to make a Bubbling Wizard’s Brew. This is really just a simple experiment to see how chemicals react with each other. The book we used just really spiced it up a little to make it intriguing for children

Another quick and easy experiment that can be carried out with household products.

For this experiment you will need:
A clean glass jar, clear vinegar,  food dye, was hing-up liquid, bicarbonate of soda, glitter (to make it all sparkly!)

1. Half – fill a glass jar with clear vinegar. Add several drops of food dye then sprinkle the glitter over the top of the vinegar





2. Add a good squeeze of washing – up liquid to the jar. Then gently stir the mixture with a metal spoon to mix everything together


3. Add a heaped teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to the jar to see what happens



Spinning Helicopter!

M finished her work early so we decided to look through a book for a fun activity to do. She decided to make a spinning paper helicopter, which was a very easy activity that required minimum effort and best of all, minimum equipment.

Have a go yourself and comment on how you found this activity

Equipment needed:
Paper, paper clip, pencil and ruler

1. Cut a strip of paper 5 ร— 20 cm.ย  Draw a line down the middle with a pencil. Then fold down the top third of the paper


2. Unfold the paper to make helicopter ‘blades’, cut down the line as far as the fold. Draw a line across the paper, a little way below the fold.


3. Make marks on the line you have drawn, halfway between each edge and the middle. Then, cut in from each edge, up to the mark.

4. Fold one edge into the middle of the paper, until it meets the pencil line. Press the fold down well, theย  fold over the edge too


5. Fold up the bottom edge of the paper until it reaches the pencil line below the blades. Crease the fold well, so that the paper lies flat

6. Push a paperclip onto the bottom of the helicopter. Fold one blade to the back and one to the front. Then throw the helicopter high into the air.

Race your friends to see whose helicopter is fastest!

Sadly I can’t upload the video for M’s helicopter!